Please register within June 6th 2025:
The fee includes: registration and participation at the Symposium, congress kit, working lunches, coffee breaks and Symposium dinner.
* The amount to pay depends whether vat value is due or not (see SECTION 3).
Registrations close on June 6th 2025.
Presenting Author
Abstract body
(In english - max 2500 characters - figures not allowed)
Please issue an invoice to: *
the receipt of payment will be issued with the personal data added in section 1
Preghiamo la vostra amministrazione di far pervenire alla segreteria organizzativa tutte le indicazioni per l’emissione della fattura, codice univoco dell’ente, eventuali cig cup, regime di split payment o di esenzione iva.
Il pagamento sarà dovuto a seguito dell'invio della documentazione richiesta ed emissione della fattura da parte della segreteria.
For any doubts or additional information regarding the invoice procedure, please contact the organising secretariat ( BEFORE paying the fee.
Registration fees must be paid in EURO.
I prefer to pay: *This field is required.
by credit card (only Mastercard and VISA credit cards are accepted)
by bank transfer
Bank Name: Banca Sella Spa
Bank Account Holder: Embi Services Snc
IBAN: IT 51O 03268 60160 052443850131
Please specify the following Code "36th Pezcoller Symposium 2025" followed by the participant full name on the bank transfer causal.
A copy of the bank transfer receipt must be sent by e-mail to or fax (+ 39 0461 824251)
In case of cancellation of your registration, the organising secretariat must be informed by e-mail or by fax.
The following cancellation conditions will be applied:
Refunds will not be granted for late arrival, unused services, unattended events or early departure from the conference.
Thank you for your registration. Important details for your participation will be sent by the organization after the deadline of 9th June.
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